[Kexi] Sample Kexi databases

Jarosław Staniek js at iidea.pl
Wed Oct 25 21:10:01 CEST 2006

Bruce Hohl said the following, On 2006-10-25 01:46:

> Thank you for your replies.  Sorry I did not compress the Access database.
> In the future I will use the mailing list as you suggested.

OK, no problem. And I suggest not to send databases to the mailing list, send 
links instead. I am ready to publish your files in the Examples section on 

BTW, there is also https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kexi-devel list, if 
you even want to track developer's discussion. The list is very low traffic ATM.

> Regarding the ParentSearchExample.mdb, tblBills_link and tblItemMaster_link
> are not used for the Example.mdb.  They are used in the production version.


> I now think that my ParentSearchExample.mdb is not really a good sample
> database because it would be difficult for someone to understand it's
> purpose.  I think instead I should attempt to recreate one of my time and
> expense tracking databases.  

Let's be aware that there are quite well developed examples, e.g. for 
MSAccess, freely available:
(especially the last link)

Expense tracking is one of them, the same for Issues database.

 > In either case the two features that I
> mentioned would be very important in recreating the same functionality as
> currently exists:
> - parameter queries (planned for 1.1.1?)

News: it's 90% ready for now!

> - query totals (not reports) Consider this a feature proposal.  My
> understanding is that the Lotus Approach database has this feature.  I have
> created many MS Access reports (perhaps dozens) only because I needed total
> for one or two columns of a query.  Creation of reports just for total is
> very time inefficient.

I can see an easy way to do this (a combo box where you can select a type of 
totals). Anywaym feel free to show me examples (screnshots?) of Approach's 
solution. Maybe we can add this for 1.1.2.

> I understand the chicken-egg problem of features.  I am pleased to hear
> that you plan to add parameter queries to version 1.1.1 and reports for
> version 2.x.  Over the next few weeks I will attempt to create a sample
> time (and then expense) tracking database based on my production database.
> I will post to the mailing list my questions and problems.

OK, thanks

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
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