[Kexi] Not even compilation resolved my problems.

Martin Ellis martin.ellis at kdemail.net
Mon Oct 2 20:52:17 CEST 2006

On Monday 02 October 2006 19:19, Antonio Gennarini wrote:
> Refering to my previous emails regarding kexi and postgres, I thought
> that maybe compiling kexi on my machine would have helped.
> But nothing! It still crashes. Anybody experiencing the same issues.

I can't check the Debian packages right now, but I did notice that there's
a new libpqxx package in Debian unstable (2.6.8), and that Kexi seems to
have been rebuilt against the new version.

I wonder if that's a regression in libpqxx - certainly that's where the backtrace
shows where the program eventually crashed. Unfortunately, it looks as though
libpqxx has migrated to testing already, which makes downgrading to test the
previous version rather harder.  If the 2.6.7 package is still in your
/var/cache/apt/archives directory, it might be worth trying that with Kexi from testing.

The other possibility is a bug in Kexi, but I'm not sure I know of anything that
could have caused a regression there.

Sorry I can't dig further into this right now,

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