[Kexi] Using Kexi databases/queries in KWord (or other KOffice apps)

Matija Šuklje matija.suklje at rutka.net
Sat Jul 29 20:25:40 CEST 2006

Progress I made so far:
- updated the table for different types of work with their prices
- added a table with names of "workers"
- made a query that shows for a specific worker what jobs he's done from a 
specific date to a specific date
- imported the query into KSpread (using "export to .csv" -> open up 
the .csv -> copy-paste content to a cell in KSpread -> tell Kspread to make a 
table from the data in that cell)

Problems I've encountered:
- the import via "import database" failed saying that I don't have the right 
Qt database support
- the "export to .csv/.txt" and import "from text" messed up the special 
chars, because KSpread seems to ignore the encoding (was: utf8)

Things I believe are possible, but have no clue how to do:
- get a calculation on how many times (in the beforementioned query) a certain 
type of work (= "water", "mow", "hour of other work") occurs.
- bind/depend tables together - e.g. that in the main/"work" table the 
column "worker" can only contain a name from the table "workers" and that the 
column "type of work" can only contain a type of work listed in the "types of 
work with pricelist" table. a pull-down menu and/or auto-completion would be 
awesome :D
- make a script (in Kexi maybe) to create the tables from the queries 
automagically :]

I think that's it from me so far - that's as far as I came.

...things I do instead of studying o_O

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