[Kexi] Using Kexi databases/queries in KWord (or other KOffice apps)

Matija Šuklje matija.suklje at rutka.net
Mon Jul 24 12:46:28 CEST 2006


First of all I have to say that this was my *first* real attempt to use a DB 
application in an office suite. This is a description of what I *imagined* a 
DB app should be good for in such a suite and how I didn't get my work done 
as I planned.

Problem I wanted to solve:
My brother and me are doing garden work for the whole house and have to write 
reports what and when we did something to get paid.

How I *imagined* it could be done:
- make a DB in Kexi
- make a document (or template) in KWord that would query the DB and for that 
    - make a spreadsheet table showing when what was done by whom ordered by 
    - make a shortened report how work each "worker" has done and how much he 
earned in that month (e.g. Worker A watered the garden 12 times, cut the 
grass 5 times and therefore earned XYZ € this month)
    - attach a short price list.
- eventually maybe even make a script that would generate such a document by 
itself alltogether

What I've done so far:
- make a DB in Kexi with a table for adding when who's done what in the garden 
and a pricelist table
- made an interface for adding/viewing the table in Kexi ...and deleted it, 
finding out I don't need it :P
- found out I've grinded to a halt...

What I think still needs to be done, but have no clue how to do:
- make a query to list all the work done in the last month (or another, if 
asked to)
- make a query to sum up all the work done by a "worker" and calculate how 
much pay he should get
- put all that into KWord   --- seems imposible to me right now o_O
- after that maybe toy with making a script to do it all automagically :P

Soooo, after this rather lenghtly explanation of what I've tried to do (and 
how very miserably I've failed at it), I ask for any help - even if it's "sod 
that and go make a spreadsheet out of it - it'll be simpler!".

I found it quite odd that I couldn't find any way to call queries from Kexi in 
KWord. Being a newbie in the office DB usage, it just occured to me that this 
was the only reason why someone would actually want a DB app in an office 
bundle - to get more complicated queries from a (bigger and/or complicated) 
DB into a simple spreadsheet, document or even drawing/diagram.

p.s. I haven't subscribed to the kexi list - I think I have enough stuff to 
read through each day already (kde-i18n, etc.), so please CC replies to me.

Best regards,

Matija Šuklje
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