[Kexi] Trying to import mysql database

Paul Waldo pwaldo at waldoware.com
Wed Dec 13 03:59:06 CET 2006

Hi all,

I'm new to kexi (version 1.1.0), and trying to import my MySQL amarok
 and not having much luck.  Here is what I do:
- Choose "Import Existing Database"
- Select "Projects stored on a database server"
- Enter data for local MySql database.  "Test Connection" button shows
all data is correct
- Choose source database "amarok"
- Select File as the Destination Database Type
- Use "amarok" for Destination project caption
- Select "amarok.kexi" for Destination Database Location
- Select "Structure and Data" for import type
- Get "Database has been imported" and select "Open imported project"
then Finish

The list of tables is now empty.  I was expecting to see tables like
album and artist.  Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong would be greatly


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