[Kexi] Using Kexi databases/queries in KWord (or other KOffice apps)

Matija Šuklje matija.suklje at rutka.net
Tue Aug 1 00:54:48 CEST 2006

Hi, Sebastian!

> Sounds like nice progress :-)

thanks :]

> hmmm... that sounds as you don't installed the matching qt-sql library...
> At debian that's done with a simple "apt-get install libqt3-mt-mysql".
> Don't know how other distributions may named the module.

fixed now - had to re-emerge qt-3.x with "mysql" and "sqlite" USE flags 
(Gentoo linux)

...but when I want to open "/home/matija/Dokumenti/delo na 
vrtu/Delo_na_vrtu.kexi" I get this error:
-[start quote]-
Error to open database
file is encrypted or is not a database
-[end quote]-

> IIRC there was a commit just ~2 days ago that fixed this :) So the upcoming
> KOffice 1.6 will have that fix included.

cool :D

> Well, the query itself still depends on how you designed the table. If you
> have as example a table named "mytable" and like to sum all the numeric
> values of the column "mynumvalue" together where the column "mymonthcolumn"
> is set to 11, just do something like
> SELECT SUM(mynumvalue) FROM mytable WHERE mymonthcolumn = 11;

I used a date entry ..I'm attaching the file, hopefully it's understandable 
although it's in slovene.

> There exists a wide range of howto's that outline the SQL-syntax which
> isn't that complex. As example
> http://sqlzoo.net/
> http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/2207/sql1.html
> http://www.1keydata.com/sql/sql.html

will take a look...

> You may like to provide some more details about the design of the table
> (so, tablenames, columns, datatypes)... Kexi includes the "Project
> Documentation Generator" python-script (Tools=>Scripts) which generates a
> HTML file that contain those kind of informations.
> Another alternate may to just attach the sqlite-file or export the
> mysql-schema. That would make it easier to answer the specific questions
> :-)

That's a bit hidden - I'd expect it already in the "Help" menu ..any reason 
for it?

> Guess I really need to look at the tables before I am able to understand
> this 100%... So far as I understand it;
> * to connect the work-table with the worker-table, just add to the
> work-table a foreign-key worker-id that points to the primary key of your
> worker-table * do the same with the type_of_work connection...

Attached :]
Hmm ...I couldn't figure out how to do that. Plus, I'm worried that would 
destroy the database I made so far.

> Create the tables from the queries? You mean to save the result of such a
> query direct into a table?

erm ...that, yea. My bad.

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