Kexi Project Data from .kexi file

Jaroslaw Staniek staniek at
Mon Apr 3 12:22:12 UTC 2017

On 3 April 2017 at 14:18, Adam Pigg <adam at> wrote:

> My use case is in a mobile app without a Kexi main window ;)... Just
> wondering what is the best approach. At the moment I'm not sure i can
> create a qml component that is also a keximainwindowiface....I need to look
> into this.

Yes, the classes needs refactoring to have non-QWidget use possible. Please
let me see there this week. It's best if you add a task on Phab.

> On Mon, 3 Apr 2017, 13:14 Jaroslaw Staniek, <staniek at> wrote:
>> Adam,
>> Sorry for delay, I was a bit outside this weekend.
>> There's KexiMainWindow::openProject() and then as you supposed:
>> -> createKexiProjectObject(projectData)
>>   -> new KexiProject(data, this)
>> - then KexiProject::open()
>> and
>> -> call KexiDBPasswordDialog::getPasswordIfNeeded()
>> -> (async) KexiMainWindow::slotAutoOpenObjectsLater()
>> There's no single atomic method because we're have potentially
>> interactive tasks to do: 1. get the password before connecting 2.
>> auto-opening startup objects
>> If this helps, KexiMainWindow::create is the top level function and is
>> made for use outside of the regular kexi binary -- it's used in
>> GlobalSearchTest::testGlobalSearch() too.
>> Maybe step-by-step in debugger would help you to understand the call
>> hierarchy.
>> It's not too easy because we're dynamically deciding what to do (opening
>> a project or migrate or do something else).
>> On 2 April 2017 at 21:28, Adam Pigg <adam at> wrote:
>> Jaroslaw,
>> Are there any helper methods to get a KexiProject object from just a
>> .kexi file?  If not, is the procedure to create:
>> a driver
>> a kdbconnectiondata
>> a kdbconnection
>> a kexiprojectdata
>> a kexiproject
>> ?
>> --
>> regards, Jaroslaw Staniek
>> KDE:
>> : A world-wide network of software engineers, artists, writers,
>> translators
>> : and facilitators committed to Free Software development -
>> Calligra Suite:
>> : A graphic art and office suite -
>> Kexi:
>> : A visual database apps builder -
>> Qt Certified Specialist:
>> :

regards, Jaroslaw Staniek

: A world-wide network of software engineers, artists, writers, translators
: and facilitators committed to Free Software development -
Calligra Suite:
: A graphic art and office suite -
: A visual database apps builder -
Qt Certified Specialist:
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