[Kexi-devel] KDbToken.h problem

Treeve Jelbert treeve at scarlet.be
Sat Sep 19 11:53:39 UTC 2015

I am trying to write a kdb driver for firebird, derived from the 
postgresql driver.

I encounter the following error:

[ 42%] Building CXX object 
In file included from /opt/qt5/include/KDb/KDbQuerySchema.h:30:0,
                  from /opt/qt5/include/KDb/KDbConnection.h:27,
/opt/qt5/include/KDb/KDbToken.h:123:27: error: expected unqualified-id 
before numeric constant
      static const KDbToken SQL_NULL;
CMakeFiles/kdb_firebirddriver.dir/build.make:110: recipe for target 

Thsi is with latest kdb and gcc-5.2.0

The relevant source code is:

#include "FirebirdPreparedStatement.h"
#include "KDbConnection.h"

This code is virually identical to the postgresql code.

Any suggestions?

Regards, Treeve

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