[Kexi-devel] First set of rename proposals for Calligra icons, all about tables (so mostly Sheets & Kexi) (was: Re: Unused icons in kexi/pics/, which can be removed?)

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Thu Nov 12 05:21:33 UTC 2015

Hi everyone,

Andreas from the VDG has started to work on creating Breeze-styled icon 
variants for the icons used in Calligra, yay. Given many icons already created 
for Inkscape and LibreOffice there hopefully are lot of icons or at least 
parts that can be reused.

Which forces us to get more order in our icon usage. Thus all the commits with 
icon removals and the new script devtools/iconcheck/findunusedicons.py to see 
what is no longer needed. Good that we have that koIcon magic to get a good 
overview of used icons :)

Read more below...

Am Mittwoch, 11. November 2015, 13:41:25 schrieb Jaroslaw Staniek:
> OK, started something at:
> https://community.kde.org/Calligra/Icons/3.0

I collected all icons used for table manipulation & formatting and added them 
to that wiki page, with proposed new naming.
Given all/most of these icons are ending up in the Breeze iconset, we need to 
properly specify the semantics here.

Looking forward to comments on the proposed icon names, especially from Sheets 
maintainer(s) :)

Possibly we should also get input from non-Calligra developers or more icon 
creators once we are fine with the names?

Taking the table icons as test-drive, the other sets of icons will then 


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