[Kexi-devel] [MacPort] Porting Predicate to Qt5 let it begin

Jaroslaw Staniek staniek at kde.org
Fri Jan 2 22:27:42 UTC 2015

If you use ctest -V, interesting bit is:

5: ********* Start testing of TestConnection *********
5: Config: Using QtTest library 5.3.2, Qt 5.3.2
5: PASS   : TestConnection::initTestCase()
5: QDEBUG : TestConnection::testCreateDb() libraryPaths:
5: QWARN  : TestConnection::testCreateDb() Incompatible database
driver's "mysql" version: found version "0.0" expected version "0.9"
-- skipping this one
5: QWARN  : TestConnection::testCreateDb() Incompatible database
driver's "postgresql" version: found version "0.0" expected version
"0.9" -- skipping this one
5: QWARN  : TestConnection::testCreateDb() Incompatible database
driver's "sqlite" version: found version "0.0" expected version "0.9"
-- skipping this one
5: QDEBUG : TestConnection::testCreateDb() DRIVERS:
5: QDEBUG : TestConnection::testCreateDb() "mysql"
5: QDEBUG : TestConnection::testCreateDb() "postgresql"
5: QDEBUG : TestConnection::testCreateDb() "sqlite"
5: QDEBUG : TestConnection::testCreateDb() ""
5: QDEBUG : TestConnection::testCreateDb()
5: QDEBUG : TestConnection::testCreateDb() QObject(0x0)  "Plugin
verification data mismatch in
5: FAIL!  : TestConnection::testCreateDb()
'!manager.result().isError() && driver' returned FALSE. (Error in
driver manager after DriverManager::driver() call)
5:    Loc: [/home/jarek/dev/src/predicate-qt5/Predicate/tests/TestConnection.cpp(57)]

On 2 January 2015 at 23:24, Wojciech Kosowicz <pcellix at gmail.com> wrote:
> Not bad I guess xD thanks :)
> pt., 2 sty 2015, 23:22 Jaroslaw Staniek użytkownik <staniek at kde.org>
> napisał:
>> On 2 January 2015 at 22:38, Wojciech Kosowicz <pcellix at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Thanks,
>> > Could you inform me about tests results? :)
>> Start 1: TestExpressions
>> 1/5 Test #1: TestExpressions ..................   Passed    0.24 sec
>> Start 2: TestSqlParser
>> 2/5 Test #2: TestSqlParser ....................***Exception: Other  0.13
>> sec
>> Start 3: TestIdentifier
>> 3/5 Test #3: TestIdentifier ...................   Passed    0.13 sec
>> Start 4: TestStaticSetOfStrings
>> 4/5 Test #4: TestStaticSetOfStrings ...........   Passed    0.13 sec
>> Start 5: TestConnection
>> 5/5 Test #5: TestConnection ...................***Failed    0.13 sec
>> 60% tests passed, 2 tests failed out of 5
>> --
>> regards, Jaroslaw Staniek
>> KDE:
>> : A world-wide network of software engineers, artists, writers,
>> translators
>> : and facilitators committed to Free Software development - http://kde.org
>> Calligra Suite:
>> : A graphic art and office suite - http://calligra.org
>> Kexi:
>> : A visual database apps builder - http://calligra.org/kexi
>> Qt Certified Specialist:
>> : http://www.linkedin.com/in/jstaniek

regards, Jaroslaw Staniek

: A world-wide network of software engineers, artists, writers, translators
: and facilitators committed to Free Software development - http://kde.org
Calligra Suite:
: A graphic art and office suite - http://calligra.org
: A visual database apps builder - http://calligra.org/kexi
Qt Certified Specialist:
: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jstaniek

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