[Kexi-devel] Google Summer of Code Results for Kexi

Jarosław Staniek js at iidea.pl
Thu May 25 13:20:25 CEST 2006


For those who do not know yet, 
http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/soc2006.html contains the list of 
accepted appliations for the Google Summer of Code program 

There were 24 slots were available for the entire KDE; it's almost maximum 
comparing to the other projects, so no doubt Google has made all KDE 
developers and users a favour.

Based on the proposals for Kexi published at
three developers offered their valuable contributions:

1. Kexi Web Forms - Jacek Migdał (project details: 
http://jacek.migdal.pl/gsoc/); 49th place out of 213 KDE applications
2. Paradox & HSQL database access for Kexi - Joseph Wenninger (one of the Kexi 
Project founders); 84th place out of 213 KDE applications
3. DBase Migration Plugin for Kexi - Jonathon Manning; 75th place out of 213 
KDE applications

Although relatively popular, none of the three applications won in the 
competition, as there were 24 slots for KDE and 213 proposed applications.

Good news is that all the developers announced they plan for contributing with 
the projects despite they will not receive the GSoC payments. This is also 
good news for the entire KOffice project as it can the planned developments 
are generic data access components.

I'd like to say thank you for their time, and well... happy coding!

regards / pozdrawiam,
  Jaroslaw Staniek / OpenOffice Polska

Sponsored by OpenOffice Polska to work on
* Kexi & KOffice: http://www.kexi-project.org | http://koffice.org/kexi
* KDE3 & KDE4 Libraries For Developing MS Windows Applications:
See also:
* Kexi For MS Windows: http://kexi.pl/wiki/index.php/Kexi_for_MS_Windows
* Kexi Support:        http://www.kexi-project.org/support.html

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