I would like to donate but web site is broken

Milian Wolff mail at milianw.de
Wed Feb 22 12:38:57 GMT 2023

On Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2023 10:30:56 CET Stéphane Clérambault wrote:
> Hello,
> I got a budget from my company to donate to kdevelop. But the link
> https://www.kdevelop.org/donate and many of other links are broken.
> How can I donate to the project ?

You can donate to the KDE project:  https://kde.org/community/donations/

Someone is thankfully taking care of the website and moving it to a static 
site generator, so hopefully we'll get a better website again later this year.

Cheers and thanks for your contribution

Milian Wolff
mail at milianw.de
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