Migrating from kdevelop 2.15 under Linux 2.4

Sven Brauch mail at svenbrauch.de
Wed Nov 4 16:29:28 GMT 2020

Hi Mike,

technology moves forward, and tooling to create it moves with that. Just 
like 2005's web browsers could easily play an Adobe Flash video but 
today's can't any more, old things are dropped and new things are 
adopted instead.

No current C++ project I'm aware of uses automake ("configure") any 
more, much like none of them uses the CVS version control system. 
KDevelop moved with that development, and now instead supports CMake and 
git. We do not have the resources to continue supporting things from 
2005 used by 0.1% of our user base.

I think there are two options for your situation; either you adopt new 
technologies to fulfill your requirements, or you stick with the old 
tooling. You typically won't find modern-day tooling for 15-year-old 

In my experience, the best way to do this is continuously exploring new 
developments and gradually adopting them. Otherwise, you maneuver 
yourself into the situation you are in now, where everything breaks down 
all of a sudden, which is of course not nice.

All the best,

On 11/3/20 9:36 PM, mike parker wrote:
> Hi,
> We have been developing products for 14 years using kdevelop 2.15 
> c/c++ on an Intel platform. The interface is great and with project 
> options for compiler and linker which remove needs to edit any 
> make-dependant files.
> So I was surprised moving to the latest version of kdevelop on a Pi 
> and on an Arm platform that things seem to have gone backwards in the 
> last 14 years. No compiler/linker options and no working configure. Am 
> I missing something? Is there another version that will give me 2.15 
> functionality on Arm? Do I get the sorce for kdevelop 2.15 and 
> re-compile on Arm. Can you give me some guidance. I can't believe 
> you've made a great product worse!
> What do I do?
> Regards,
> Mike Parker
> Cypher Technology Ltd
> +44(0) 1372 375500
> https://cyphertechnology.com
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