Monspace font as squares
Antoine Hoarau
hoarau.robotics at
Tue Nov 6 09:26:20 GMT 2018
Le ven. 2 nov. 2018 à 20:23, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <kossebau at> a
écrit :
> Am Freitag, 2. November 2018, 19:46:17 CET schrieb Antoine Hoarau:
> > I'm using AppImage yes.
> > In the Appimage Kdev5, if I change the font to anything else it works
> fine,
> > except the build windows that seems stick with monospace.
> > Is there any way to change the build windows font ?
> No, the font in the build windows is currently hardcoded to use the
> system's
> fixed font (QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::FixedFont), which is
> queried from the platform thene integration plugin.
> Which might be something based on QGenericUnixTheme, which sets a QFont
> initialized with the family "monospace" (&
> setStyleHint(QFont::TypeWriter);).
> See
> qgenericunixthemes.cpp.html
> Not sure if that theme is really in use, but it might be. Also unsure how
> the
> resolution then happens, if that string is passed 1:1 to fontconfig.
> Can you tell what the result of "fc-match monospace" is on the normal
> commandline and what in the embedded shell/konsole of KDevelop?
It outputs : DejaVuSansMono.ttf: "DejaVu Sans Mono" "Book" on both consoles
(kdev and normal).
> Cheers
> Friedrich
> --
Antoine Hoarau
Robotics Engineer
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