KDEV 5.0.1 line spacing question

Leon Pollak leonp at plris.com
Sun Sep 25 08:13:57 BST 2016

On Thursday 22 September 2016 16:58:09 Sven Brauch wrote:
> On 22/09/16 16:54, Milian Wolff wrote:
> > Just to make sure - are you using KDevelop through the AppImage, or 
> > the "real" thing provided by your distro or compiled yourself?
> Good question -- the AppImage ships its own fontconfig and style, and
> things will be different.
I use AppImage fro 5.0.1 and distro provided for 4.7.3.
Can someone advice me what to do? May be to remove some settings files in 
.config or somewhere else?


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