font size in "documentation" tool view

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Tue Jul 12 08:33:27 BST 2016

On Tuesday July 12 2016 08:55:15 Kevin Funk wrote:

>We have a pending review which makes the font size in the documentation 
>browser configurable, though, because the font sizes may differ throughout the 
>different documentation providers (QtHelp, man pages, CMake help, etc.).

URL, please?

Clearly I'm not the only one who's missing font config options, though in my case it's more the font in the project/file manager views which I'd like to change for something smaller and more compact ("Narrow" variant).

I'm surprised people actually use the documentation view. In docked mode it eats away screen space for the real work area, and in either mode the views tend to keep popping up when you don't want them requiring unnecessary trips to the mouse. Heck, the toolview even keeps reactivating itself after I've deactivated it...


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