activity indication without background parsing enabled

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Sat May 30 11:14:40 BST 2015


A small observation. I have a project that contains my local MacPorts packaging tree ("repository"): a collection of "port directories" containing Tcl scripts with the fetch, build and install instructions and accompanying patch files. It also contains a certain number of symlinks to other (global) port directories as well as actual source directories (git working clones), but those are filtered out through the project manager.
I don't think there's anything relevant in there that KDevelop's parser could do anything useful with, so I disabled the whole feature for this project to speed up loading it.
>From what I can see, KDevelop indeed goes idle after the initial project load, but the Stop and "Stop All" toolbar buttons remain active; the Stop button's drop-down menu even claims there are a couple thousand files being parsed (which suggests that  my filters aren't complete or else they don't work exactly as intended).

As I said, CPU usage contradicts this indication, so it's mostly a cosmetic thing (I still click the "Stop All" button though). This is in KDevelop 4.7; maybe it's been addressed in the KF5 version, if not, consider this an FYI of a nice little something for on somebody's sunday morning todo list ;)


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