kDevelop 4.7.0 parsing WxWidgets projects

Steve the Fiddle stevethefiddle at gmail.com
Sun May 3 14:49:37 BST 2015

On 3 May 2015 at 11:14, Kevin Funk <kfunk at kde.org> wrote:
> On Sunday, May 03, 2015 10:53:43 Steve the Fiddle wrote:
>> On 3 May 2015 at 09:11, Kevin Funk <kfunk at kde.org> wrote:
>> > On Friday, May 01, 2015 17:10:51 Steve the Fiddle wrote:
>> >> I am trying to use kDevelop 4.7.0 on Debian 8 to work on a large
>> >> project built with WxWidgets 2.8.12.
>> >> Because Debian Stable now uses WxWidgets 3.0, I have built WxWidgets
>> >> 2.8.12 from source, and then configured the project (Audacity 2.1.1
>> >> alpha) with:
>> >> ./configure --enable-debug
>> >> WX_CONFIG=/home/myusername/sourcecode/wxGTK-2.8.12/buildgtk/wx-config
>> >>
>> >> The project builds successfully.
>> >>
>> >> The problem is that it seems that kDevelop cannot find WxWidgets, so
>> >> it complains about all Wx functions saying "Declaration not found" and
>> >> prompting me to declare the function.
>> >>
>> >> How do I tell kDevelop where to find WxWidgets so that it can parse
>> >> the code correctly in the editor window?
>> >
>> > With your mouse, hover over the missing #include in the editor (missing
>> > includes are marked with a red underline).
>> >
>> > When doing this, you should be prompted with a tooltip offering a "Solve"
>> > button. Click this, and then add additional include paths via the dialog.
>> >
>> > Hope that helps.
>> Thanks for the reply, but the only options provided by "Solve" are:
>> "Declare ''void FunctionName()' as a member of
>> 1 private
>> 2 protected
>> 3 public
>> 0 Hide"
> Please re-read my mail -- You have to navigate to the *include section*.

Ah yes, I misread your meaning.
Thanks for the clarification.

Now that I know where I should be looking I can see that I could also just go to
"Project menu > Open Configuration"
to get to the same "include section*.

The UI is a bit confusing here as the path can only be selected to a
"file", so the path to the /wx/ folder must either be manually typed,
or a file inside the /wx/ folder selected, then the path edited with
the "batch edit" option.

Anyway, all good now.
Thanks again.


> I presume the problems you're facing are because KDevelop cannot find the
> WxWidgets includes. So you'll have to fix *this* issue.
> Greets
>> If I select any option other than "Hide", the function is declared in
>> the associated .h file.
>> That breaks the build because the functions are then declared but not
>> defined.
>> Note that this is a large (well over 500,000 lines of code) C++
>> project that builds with gcc. It is not a viable solution to make vast
>> changes to the code just so that it works in kDevelop.
>> gcc knows where to find the WxWidgets functions because
>> "WX_CONFIG=path" is passed by .configure, but kDevelop can clearly not
>> see that.
>> I have read various solutions for earlier versions of kDevelop, but I
>> have not been able to find any way in kDevelop 4.7.0 to tell kDevelop
>> where to find external libraries. Surely there MUST be a way to do
>> this?
>> Steve
>> > Greets
>> >
>> >> Steve
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>> >> KDevelop mailing list
>> >> KDevelop at kde.org
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>> > --
>> > Kevin Funk | kfunk at kde.org | http://kfunk.org
> --
> Kevin Funk | kfunk at kde.org | http://kfunk.org

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