KDevelop 4.7.1 Released

Milian Wolff mail at milianw.de
Thu Feb 5 16:50:19 GMT 2015

Hello all!

it's my pleasure to announce the immediate availability of KDevelop 4.7.1. 
This release contains many improvements and bug fixes - everyone is urged to 
upgrade. Distributions should already provide updated packages, otherwise you 
can download via:

* [kdevplatform 1.7.1]
* [kdevelop 4.7.1]
* [kdev-python 1.7.1-py3]
* [kdev-python 1.7.1-py2]
* [kdev-php 1.7.1](http://download.kde.org/stable/kdevelop/4.7.1/src/kdevelop-php-1.7.1.tar.xz.mirrorlist)
* [kdev-php-docs 1.7.1]

Thanks to all contributors, users and bug reporters for making this release 

Milian Wolff
mail at milianw.de

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