KDevelop Binary

Kevin Funk kfunk at kde.org
Sun Oct 26 13:01:06 GMT 2014

On Friday 24 October 2014 15:22:36 MJ Jenkins wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I'm very new to KDevelop, actually, I'm just trying to get it installed
> for a couple of researchers in my department.  I was wondering, are
> there any pre-built binaries?  I'm having some trouble getting all of
> the prerequisites installed.
> Thanks for any assistance,
> MJ Jenkins

Well, it all depends on what platform(s) you guys are. -- You didn't tell us.

Unfortunately I have to agree that this is very badly documented on 
kdevelop.org and userbase.kde.org for KDevelop, we'll try to improve that one.

- On any Linux distro: Install KDevelop via your package manager
- OS X: Try the homebrew tap: https://github.com/adymo/homebrew-kde
- Windows: No binary packages yet, you'd have to compile on your own [1]


[1] https://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/Windows/emerge
    (Note: Using Emerge can be rough, for first time users)

Kevin Funk | kfunk at kde.org | http://kfunk.org

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