Is multi-window ever planned?

Milian Wolff mail at
Tue Nov 25 13:08:36 GMT 2014

On Tuesday 25 November 2014 15:30:40 Aleksey Midenkov wrote:
> In multi-monitor not being able to multi-window is like working
> without one hand. Is multi-window ever be implemented? Half-baked
> solutions like 2 processes with different sessions are not acceptable.

I plan to copy what QtCreator does - i.e. giving users the ability to cut out 
the editor pane into a separate window. Individual toolviews can already float 
in their own window (useful for documentation e.g.).

Having two "full" KDevelop windows is pretty complex code-wise and doesn't 
really pay off that much, in my opinion. That said, if anyone wants to work on 
multi-window support, he's more than invited to do so.

Fun-fact: Our old code base is riddled with traces of the multi-window 
support. It was disabled back then because it proofed to complex to implement 
properly. I'd love to get rid of this old complexity by removing it all. 
Putting the splittable editor into a separate window is pretty easy compared 
to that.

Milian Wolff
mail at

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