KDevelop window not receiving focus/events after closing patch review plugin

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Sat Dec 13 21:02:57 GMT 2014

On Saturday December 13 2014 21:57:23 René J.V. Bertin wrote:

Follow-up question: what is the class of the m_patch instance when doing a patch review of a git clone? I have been trying to figure out when its dtor gets called when using m_patch->deleteLater(), but all I have been getting is

~IPatchReview 0x7f800b8652d8 ; "[
0: 0   libkdecore.5.dylib                  0x000000010b47c281 kRealBacktrace(int) + 81
1: 1   libkdevplatforminterfaces.8.dylib   0x000000010b8c1bce KDevelop::IPatchReview::~IPatchReview() + 302
2: 2   kdevpatchreview.so                  0x0000000121bbefe0 PatchReviewPlugin::~PatchReviewPlugin() + 400
3: 3   kdevpatchreview.so                  0x0000000121bbf1be PatchReviewPlugin::~PatchReviewPlugin() + 14
4: 4   libkdevplatformshell.8.dylib        0x000000010b93f44a KDevelop::PluginController::unloadPlugin(KDevelop::IPlugin*, KDevelop::PluginController::PluginDeletion) + 218
5: 5   libkdevplatformshell.8.dylib        0x000000010b93f345 KDevelop::PluginController::cleanup() + 85
6: 6   libkdevplatformshell.8.dylib        0x000000010b94d06d KDevelop::Core::cleanup() + 381
7: 7   libkdevplatformshell.8.dylib        0x000000010b94d6ca KDevelop::Core::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) + 58
8: 8   QtCore                              0x000000010e5a0b5b QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, QMetaObject const*, int, void**) + 2363
9: 9   QtCore                              0x000000010e587603 QCoreApplication::exec() + 243
10: 10  kdevelop                            0x000000010b3bcb7a main + 54042
11: 11  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff8d6075fd start + 1

i.e. a release when quitting the application (of, I presume, the default/stub instance that I understand to be used as a placeholder when not doing a review).
The recursive calling of ~PatchReviewPlugin() surprises me a bit, too.


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