cppcheck plugin for kdevelop available

Christoph Thielecke christoph.thielecke at gmx.de
Sun Nov 17 21:19:52 GMT 2013


as a kdevelop user I miss the static code analysis integration. Cppcheck does 
a good job.

I decided to write a plugin which provides this functionality. The cppcheck 
plugin for kdevelop is now available.

You can find the project page here:

Code source:
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/kdev-cppcheck

As requirement you'll need to have the cppcheck program installed. 

After installing you can set some options for the plugin at kdevelop 
preferences - modules - support for cppcheck
The path to cppcheck should be set to the binary (initally /usr/bin/cppcheck, 
should fit on Linux)

Add the cppcheck toolview to kdevelop: Window - add toolview and select 

To invoke the check, run from menu:
- Execute - Cppcheck: this will check current file
- Execute - Cppcheck (all files): this will check all files in project dir

The result will be shown in cppcheck toolview and the found issues are marked 
by red background color in opened documents. You can double click on a entry 
in cppcheck toolview and kdevelop activate the corresponding document and line 
for the found issue. 

Happy code checking :)

With best regards

Linux User Group Wernigerode

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