Compile current file only (cmake project)

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Nov 8 23:01:30 GMT 2012


On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 5:14 PM, Mateusz Loskot <mateusz at> wrote:
> On 8 November 2012 15:56, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at> wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 3:04 PM, Mateusz Loskot <mateusz at> wrote:
>>> "After clicking “Ok” KDevelop will read and parse the CMakeCache.txt file and
>>> show its contents. You can edit it here if you want to."
>>> Hmm, CMakeCache.txt?! Edit it?!
>> I'm not sure I understand what you're hinting at, but if you don't
>> know what CMakeCache.txt is then you've either not yet looked up a
>> cmake tutorial or have selected the wrong buildsystem for your
>> project. KDevelop does not intend to take away the joy of getting to
>> know your buildsystem, its more or less a pre-requisite to have some
>> basic understanding of the buildsystem you're using in your projects.
> I sense I haven't made my point clear.
> I do understand CMake well and I'm comfy with it.
> I don't, however, understand where Kdevelop is a convenient
> equivalent to cmake command and where it provides an added value,
> extending CMake functionality.

KDevelop does not extend CMake. What it does do is provide added value
on the build-output (clicking error/warnings or using the shortcuts
for that) and when writing cmake files (code-completion, help popups).
There's not much one can add to the actual setup of a builddir with
cmake on to of what we have. The CMakeCache.txt editor is similar to
what CMake's commandline and Qt "uis" offer today.

> I may be biased, as I'm coming from CMake-based Visual Studio workflows,

Thats a whole different beast, since VS has its own build-system and
the complete IDE is geared towards that. It also means major
annoyances when working on cmake files (reloading of solution files is
a major headache). Instead of trying to re-invent the wheel, KDevelop
focusses on making it easier to write buildsystem files for an
existing buildsystem. The focus is clearly on CMake, but similar
support can be created for other buildsystems if someone wants to
spend time on that.


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