Issue with parsing of conditionally compiled code or how to force parser to process the code under conditional compilation

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Jun 26 10:56:36 BST 2012


I guess its re-using the duchain cache instead of parsing from the
beginning. I don't know the intended or actual semantics of the
corresponding code, but the parsing-trigger you see for the apply/ok button
is the only public API that exists. If you can find a small reproduction
case with a simple project, I'd suggest to file a bugreport against the C++
language support.


On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 10:36 AM, Eugene Agafonov <e.a.agafonov at>wrote:

>  Hi!
> It seems to me the original problem I've faced is solved with Custom Build
> plugin
> I've finally get the plugin working.   Thanks for a great job! *thumbup*
> I've faced another issue: new defines are not applied immediately. I've
> restarted kdevelop
> several times before defines are applied.  No exact scenario yet :-(
> I've added some logging into CustomBuildSystem::defines and
> CustomBuildSystem::includeDirectories to make sure they return data I've
> entered. They do actually but it looks like defies are not applied
> immediately as  soon as added. It seems to me the parser need to be kicked
> somehow.
> As I can see the background parser job is started as soon as Apply/OK
> button is applied on Custom Build build settings dialog but it is not
> enough to apply newly defined macro.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks a lot, Eugene Agafonov.
> On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 10:44 PM, Eugene Agafonov <e.a.agafonov at>wrote:
>> Hi!
>>  I've faced an annoying issue with C++ parser. It does not enable
>> declaration-definition navigation if it decides the code is not compiled
>> due to conditional compilation.
>> It is really predictable behavior but it is an issue if macro is not
>> defined in any header file but defined as compiler command line option.
>>  The main question is: Is it possible to tell the parser that some macro
>> is actually defined somewhere in universe and it shall threat it as defined
>> while parsing the source code.
>  Yes, this is typically the job of the buildsystem manager, the parser
> asks it about the defines for a given file/folder or target and the
> buildsystem manager should provide them based on the selected build
> directory
>>  Any way, it would be useful to set macro value for parsing  as it is
>> done for custom include paths.
>  If you have cmake, then the parser not getting all the defines is to be
> considered a bug, though there are ways of using cmake which kdevelop
> cannot support.
>  If you use some other buildsystem, I'd suggest using the Custom
> Buildsystem Plugin:
>  It allows to configure which defines should be set for which source
> folder of the project and the parser will be able to fetch this information.
>  Andreas
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