Stop debugger shortcut

Ivan Shapovalov intelfx100 at
Thu Jun 7 06:07:42 BST 2012

On 5 июня 2012 12:57:12 Alireza Haghdoost wrote:
> Hi
> There is an entry for debug launch in Kdevelop shortcut menu list. However,
> I can not find any entry for stop debugging there. Therefore, I can not set
> a shortcut to exit debugging mode. Previously, It terminates terminate job
> with ESC key. However, there is no shortcut key or option to setup a key
> for this issue. I do appreciate any suggestions.
> Thanks
> Alireza

The debugging mode is represented as a so-called job (along with background 
parsing, building and so on). The jobs can be seen and stopped in "Run -> Stop 
Jobs" submenu, which retains the Esc shortcut (as of git master).
Also, there is a "Stop" button on the toolbar which will stop every running 
job (including debug mode).
Both methods work for me.

Shapovalov Ivan

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