adding an executable to path

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Aug 2 13:56:00 BST 2012


On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 2:28 PM, Mahmood Naderan <mahmood.nt at> wrote:
> Hi
> Normally I run "source /home/share/sourceme" in the terminal, to put some
> files in the path. I also can write that command in .bashrc so that it will
> be automatically run everytime I open a terminal. As a result I am able to
> executing "run_job" without any absolute path.
> Now in the kdevelo I have defined a lauch and in the executeable field,  I
> have wrote "run_job". However it doesn't recognized that command. How can I
> fix that?

You need to provide an absolute path. KDevelop does not use a shell to
run executables and hence there's nothing that would look the given
name in PATH for you.


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