results from kdevelop is different from terminal

Mahmood Naderan mahmood.nt at
Thu Sep 29 18:18:28 BST 2011

Dear developers,
I don't know what is wrong that the output of kdevelop running a
program is different from terminal... See the details:

In the terminal, I run the following command

../../src/m2s -bpred:btb 8:2 -debug:syscall syscall.txt -cacheconfig
4core.cache -report:cache black.cache -report:pipeline black.pipe
-fastfwd 40000000 -max_cycles 4000000 -ctxconfig black.arg -cores 4
-threads 1

Hopefully the program print the last compile time and at the end,
print the results:

Last compilation: Sep 28 2011 23:20:09
sim.inst  16090421  # Total committed instructions
sim.ipc  4.023  # Global IPC
sim.predacc  0.9185  # Branch prediction accuracy

In Kdevelop, I have created a launch for the above command. The output
of .kdev4/$project.kdev4 contains:

[Launch][Launch Configuration 1][Data]
Arguments=-bpred:btb 8:2 -debug:syscall syscall.txt -cacheconfig
4core.cache -report:cache black.cache -report:pipeline black.pipe
-fastfwd 40000000 -max_cycles 4000000 -ctxconfig black.arg -cores 4
-threads 1
Dependency Action=Nothing
External Terminal=konsole --noclose --workdir %workdir -e %exe
Project Target=
Use External Terminal=false
Working Directory=file:///home/mahmood/multi2sim-3.0.3/parsec/blackscholes

When I press "execute launch", the output is:

Last compilation: Sep 28 2011 23:20:09
sim.inst  16118445  # Total committed instructions
sim.ipc  4.03  # Global IPC
sim.predacc  0.9184  # Branch prediction accuracy

As you can see the output values are different however the input
parameters are the same and the build date has hot been changed.

What is wrong then?
Please share any suggestion
// Naderan *Mahmood;

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