variadic templates: spec on pack-expansion in function call?

Milian Wolff mail at
Sat Jun 4 10:58:29 BST 2011

Hey all,

I'm having trouble interpreting the spec on variadic template pack expansion 
inside a function call or a mem-initializer, i.e.:

This compiles and there are expamples similar to it on the web and inside the 
spec. Yet I cannot find out how the "args..." is supposed to be parsed AST-
wise. 14.5.3/4 of the spec¹ lists contexts in which a pack-expansion can 

> — In an initializer-list (8.5); the pattern is an initializer-clause.
> — In a base-specifier-list (Clause 10); the pattern is a base-specifier.
> — In a mem-initializer-list (12.6.2); the pattern is a mem-initializer.
> — In a template-argument-list (14.3); the pattern is a template-argument.
> — In a dynamic-exception-specification (15.4); the pattern is a type-id.
> — In an attribute-list (7.6.1); the pattern is an attribute.
> — In an alignment-specifier (7.6.2); the pattern is the alignment-specifier
> without the ellipsis. — In a capture-list (5.1.2); the pattern is a
> capture.

None of these apply to "args..." in my opinion. This is a quite generic 
expression after all.

There is another document² linked to from the GCC 4.6 c++0x support page³ on 
variadic templates. It is quite outdated as you can see yet includes the 
following AST spec:

"assignment-expression ...opt"

This could be used for "args..." afair. But why is there nothing related in 
the last spec? Can someone shed some light on it?

somewhat outdated, but the FDIS spec is no different in that regard

Thanks, bye
Milian Wolff
mail at
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