Issues with 4.1.80

Leon Pollak leonp at
Tue Jan 25 09:22:03 GMT 2011

On Monday January 24 2011, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 24.01.11 16:11:18, Leon Pollak wrote:
> > I installed the last sources 4.1.80 in the local installation according
> > to the instructions. Everything seems to work.
> Thats actually quite old already, the last release for 4.1.90 and 4.2.0 is
> about to be released soon.
Good news! If I have already stepped on this road, I shall continue...:-)

> > But I noticed two degradations in comparison to 4.1.0 version, which I
> > had previously:
> > 
> > 1. Closing the opened source file window in the editor causes the whole
> > application to be redrawn. The 4.1.0 version just closed the tab window.
> Can't say anything about that.
Well, after rebooting and rerunning the kbuildsycoca4 this effect does not 
appear meantime...:-(

> > 2, The splitter in 'Projects' window between files pane and projects pane
> > do not keeps its position between restarts.
> Thats something you imagined :) The splitter never stored its position as
> the relevant API to do that is missing in kdevplatform and it was never
> there.
Yep! Tested back with 4.1.0 - the difference is that 4.1.0 opened splitter on 
about 1/4 of the total height, while 4.1.80 does this exactly on half. This is 
not comfortable, as the list of projects is always much smaller than the list 
of files in a project...
Can this be returned?

Thanks a lot and excuses for inconsistency.

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