debugger malfunctioning

Mahmood Naderan nt_mahmood at
Sat Jan 22 11:51:01 GMT 2011

>Are you sure the program is not built with optimization?

Yes it had. The new problem is when I comment this line:

GCC_OPTFLAGS=-O3 -funroll-loops -fno-strict-aliasing -ggdb

and recompile agian and attach the process to kdevelop, it does stop on 
breakpoints. I have set several breakpoints in the code but none of them is able 
to stop the process.

Do you have any idea about that?
// Naderan *Mahmood;

From: Vladimir Prus <ghost at>
To: kdevelop at
Sent: Sat, January 22, 2011 11:48:35 AM
Subject: Re: debugger malfunctioning

Y"Mahmood Naderan" <nt_mahmood at> wrote:

>I have noticed two malfunctions in kdevelop debugger but don't know
>whether they 
>are bug or not and if they really bugs, how to report them.
>1- Sometimes when I click "continue" to reach a breakpoint, the pointer
>comes to 
>the bug icon. That is fine, however after I press f10 (step over), I
>that debug pointer goes one step back (the line before bug icon) and
>then by 
>pressing f10 again it comes to the bug icon. Another f10 will forward
>pointer to the line after bug icon. In another word, consider I have
>put a 
>brackpoint on line 670:
>  668
>  669
>  671
>  672
>clicking on "continue" will show:
>  668
>  669
>  671
>  672
>one f10:
>  668
>->  669
>  671
>  672
>Another f10:
>  668
>  669
>  671
>  672
>Another f10:
>  668
>  669
>->  671
>  672
>Don't you think it is abnormal?
>2- Another malfunction is that, when I click "continue" it goes some
>line after 
>the bug icon. I have attached a picture that shows the behavior. You
>may say, 
>the debugger reached the bug icon and then I pressed "step over" but
>believe me 
>I just pressed "continue" and saw that. I didn't pressed "step over".
>Any idea about them?
>// Naderan *Mahmood;
>kdevelop mailing list
>kdevelop at

Are you sure the program is not built with optimization?

Sent from a mobile device -- please excuse my brevity.

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