Defining macros for the parser

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Feb 28 20:37:30 GMT 2011

On 28.02.11 17:45:36, Gunther Piez wrote:
> On 28.02.2011 13:51, Milian Wolff wrote:
> > The "Custom Build System" plugin (separate plugin) comes with the
> > ability to
> > define custom macros. Try it out.
> >
> > Bye
> It does show up under "Loaded Plugins". Unfortunately I do not see it in
> any other menu or place. It also does not show up as an option if I
> create a new project. I am using kdevelop and kdevplatform from git.
> Care to give me another hint? ;-)

It does not supply any templates, its specifically geared towards people
already having a project+buildsystem in place. So the only way to choose
it is by opening a directory as project (and make sure you have no
.kdev4 file in it).


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