Bookmarks toolview

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Apr 30 00:24:57 BST 2011

On 21.04.11 10:23:35, Alexandre Courbot wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 11:34 PM, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at> wrote:
> > KDevelop does not have a bookmarks toolview, so can you provide a
> > screenshot of what you're talking about?
> Here it is.
> This is compiled from yesterday's git (and visible since much longer I
> think). I just right-click on the left toolbar and the "Bookmark"
> option appears. However it does not seem to interact with anything,
> and a quick look at the source seems to indicate it is not part of
> kdevelop or kdevplatform. Don't know what it is doing here then.

See my reply to Oliver, this is not directly part of KDevelop but is
supplied by Okteta and thats where you'll have to take your complaints
to (kdevelop just ships with a bit of glue-code adding all the Okteta
widgets, which includes this bookmarks toolview).


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