Code parsing starting every time I open the project

Milian Wolff mail at
Wed Apr 27 19:52:18 BST 2011

Pradeep K. Shima, 27.04.2011:
> Thanks Andreas !!!
> Any place where I can read more about it kdevduchain ?

You can browse the API dox of the DUChain in kdevplatform/language.
> In particular I want to know ...
> 1) Is the browsing info global across projects for each file. i.e. if
> some files are common between two projects, will the browsing info for
> that file be generated once or twice ?

it is stored once per url and session.

> 2) What is the structure under $HOME/.kdevduchain ?

Why do you want to know? this is deep internal stuff and it is not supposed to 
be changed by the user. Anyways, if you are really interested browse the 
DUChain code.

> Thanks again !!
> Pradeep
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 8:32 PM, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at> wrote:
> > On 26.04.11 18:07:55, Pradeep K. Shima wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> I hope this question belongs to this list.
> >> 
> >> Is kdevelop 4.2.2 supposed to parse the whole code every time the
> >> project is opened ?
> >> Kdevelop 3 used to just load the tags file which was generated just
> >> once (or whenever you asked it to).
> >> 
> >> With a huge project I am working on, it is really keeping me from
> >> using kdevelop. Infact from using Fedora 14 because I have no way of
> >> going back to kdevelop 3.x
> >> 
> >> Could someone please tell me how to make it generate code browing info
> >> just once and only load it on subsequent opens ?
> > 
> > Thats what KDevelop already does, however when opening a project it
> > scans all files to check wether it needs to update the data and if they
> > changed since the last time the project was open it re-parses them. You
> > should notice that the progress is much faster on the second and
> > subsequent opening of the project than on the first one on a clean
> > machine (or after deleting $HOME/.kdevduchain which is the db used for
> > storing).

Milian Wolff
mail at
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