Andreas Pakulat
apaku at gmx.de
Sun May 9 10:31:24 BST 2010
On 08.05.10 23:51:03, Leon Pollak wrote:
> Hello.
> I am running the first time my application in kdev4.
> While in debugger, I opened the 'Variable' pane - it displays my variables.
> also vars are displayed when cursor hovers over them in the editor window
> GREAT!!!! Really great!!!
> Just please, how can I:
> 1. Change presentation format - hex,dec,ASCII, etc.. In 3.X version it was by
> pressing X,D keys...Now, it dos noting and no context menu...
This is unsupported currently.
> 2. Change the current value. In 3.X simple double click allowed var
> editing....
Same as above, you can use the GDB toolwindow to execute a normal gdb
command to change the value though.
Expect a letter from a friend who will ask a favor of you.
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