more ui polishing: working sets

Niko Sams niko.sams at
Sat Jan 16 16:21:59 GMT 2010

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 14:54, Sam S. <smls75 at> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> after two failed attempts to send a similar message to the
> kdevelop-devel list this week (according to Andreas, possibly a
> problem with the spam filter), here goes a third try...
> I've completely rephrased the text and also added the kdevelop list as
> recipient, so hopefully this time it'll reach you guys...
> Anyhow, I've made a proposal (including detailed mockups) for how the
> KDevelop UI elements regarding working sets could be made to look &
> behave like so that this functionality will be
>  - less intrusive for people who do not want to use it
>  - still easy enough to discover, and easier to understand for people
> who might want to try it
>  - more comfortable to use for people who do use it
> You can find it at:
> working sets proposal/
> What do you think? (Note that the green color is specific to my KDE
> color scheme, it would probably look different for you.)
Very beautiful.

The thing I like most are the icons, we should use them asap.
For the graphical redesign we need someone to implement it.

One suggestion from me: The user should have a possibility to give
a workingset a title. However this should be completely optional.


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