watch window gone

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Dec 5 12:05:16 GMT 2010

On 05.12.10 00:09:09, Chris Bruner wrote:
> local variables window is also gone.
> >In case you closed a toolview accidentally you can get it back by using
> >Window->Add Toolview.
> >
> >Andreas
> >
> That was it. Thanks.
> Do you suppose toolview is the best name for watch windows?

Toolview is not a name for "watch windows", its a generic name referring
to any of the views that are attached to the sides (left, right, top,
bottom) of the editor area. Its a common term (across IDE's) to refer to
such views on the side-area and can be shown/hidden by clicking on a
sidebar button.


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