Project Conversion

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Sep 24 18:43:31 BST 2009

On 24.09.09 17:21:26, Leon Pollak wrote:
> Hello,all.
> I know that the question is ... mmm...well... stupid?
> Anyway, I have my project under kdevelop 3.x which has about 100 files with 
> special settings for compiler, debugger, etc.
> I studied the CMake manuals for several days, but this did not helped me much 
> to understand how can I convert my project to 4.x (except that I hope I 
> understand how do I write it from scratch, but this is the hope only...).
> Any advice will be highly appreciated.

If your project uses Makefile's in some way you can simply open your
project directory and select "Custom Makefile". This won't give you all the
goodies out of the box, but should work reasonably well. There's no need to
convert the project to cmake.


Is this really happening?

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