KDevelop4 64 bits: problems

alonso schaich alonsoschaich at gmx.de
Thu Sep 17 20:21:06 BST 2009

On Thursday 17 September 2009 18:41:40 Jose Thadeu Cavalcante wrote:
> Hi,
> I use KDevelop 4 in a openSUSE 11.1 and KDE 4.3.1 in three differents
> computers. One has installed openSUSE 11.1 32 bits, in this computer I have
>  no problem when compile a program with KDevelop 4. The others have
>  installed openSUSE 11.1 64 bits, in those I have no success for the same
>  program. An error message is showed:
> "make[2]: *** No rule to make to make target '/usr/lib/libQtGui.so', needed
>  by 'fo'. Stop.
> Can someone help me?
> Thank you in advanced

i guess probably /usr/lib/libQtGui.so does not exist...
you can find the libs by either reading through yast's log files or running 
something the likes of
#LD_DEBUG=libs assistant 2>/tmp/test && cat test | sed '/calling fini: 
[^\0]*libQtGui/ !d' && rm /tmp/test

what build system are you using, and is the lib's path __hardcoded__ in the 


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