Indentations in kdev4

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Nov 4 11:19:36 GMT 2009

On 04.11.09 11:27:45, Fred Labrosse wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm kind of fitting with automatic alignment of code.  This is c++.  I have 
> Tab assigned to Align and that works (although it seems to lose it now and 
> then),  What does not seem to work as I set it up is the alignment level.
> I have setup in Kdevelop settings in "Source formatter settings" my own 
> settings.  All the plugins are selected, which includes a "source formatter" 

This is only used for the "Format" entry in the tools menu (I think its
there, not sure right now). Formatting while you type is done completely by
kate and you'll have to ask the kate-people about possible bugs.


You have Egyptian flu: you're going to be a mummy.

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