Kdevelop4: how to

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Nov 4 11:16:08 GMT 2009

On 04.11.09 10:18:58, Fred Labrosse wrote:
> On Tuesday 03 November 2009 18:30:35 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 03.11.09 17:37:21, Fred Labrosse wrote:
> > > You mean selecting one in the Projects tab.  I think this is what gets
> > > me where I think, IMHO, the word "project" is used for different
> > > things.
> > 
> > No, "Project" always refers to a Project in the Projects tree (i.e. a
> > top level item), which has a name.kdev4 file in it (after you import
> > it).
> I now understand that.  What got me is that in the Project menu, you can 
> always build all projects and only one thing (it only says "Build") when 
> something was selected in the Project tab.  So making the link between these 
> two, I assumed that what is selected in the Project tab is a project 
> (because this is what is used in the Project menu).  I think that what 
> should be in the Project menu should be "Build target" rather then simply 
> "Build".
> Minor point really.

The problem is that you really can select anything in the project tree to
use Build/Install/... A folder, a file or a target. You can also use the
buildset in the lower-part of the project tree and add arbitrary items from
the project to it. Then "Build" will always builds the buildset, not what
is selected. Changing that label all the time is not really good either as
that'll confuse users too.

We're still trying to figure out how to make all this work more smoothly on
the first-use - a major step will be automatic adding of opened projects to
the buildset (coming this weekend).


Stay the curse.

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