Setting GUI font size when running KDevelop from commandline

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Aug 8 07:39:42 BST 2009

On 07.08.09 16:25:10, Peter.Neu at wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm working with KDevelp on a remote server. My local machine is a win box. I tunnel the X-Server output with xming to my windows screen. The problem I have is the GUI font size. It's way too small. Since I start KDevelop from command line there is no way to use kcontrol to control the GUI fonts. 

You can run kcontrol from the same commandline first, setup everything and
then run kdevelop.
> Is there a command line parameter I can give KDevelop to display fonts bigger?

kdevelop --help-all should give you all possible options.


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