Comments/Questions re Launch Configurations

Lindsay Mathieson lindsay.mathieson at
Thu Aug 6 03:28:39 BST 2009

On Wed, 5 Aug 2009 09:29:45 +0200, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at> wrote:
> On 05.08.09 11:02:33, Lindsay Mathieson wrote:

> Thats your monitor. Not everybody has such a large monitor. I'm trying
> to make the dialog work also on 1024x768..

I fired up at 1024x768 - still looked like ample room for a few more pixels
to me. My opinion only of course. Do appreciate you keeping it usable on
the smaller resolutions, I'm old enough to remember when sub VGA
resolutions were the norm ....

> I could leave it at the default value for tree's, but as I said that'll
> be removing much from the visible data in low resolutions. 

Tend to think its best to stick with UI defaults unless there's a pressing
need to adjust them, as usually they're defined for best usuability as it.

> Even more so
> when I'm done adding yet another level to the tree to fix the current
> ui-problem, but I'll keep this in mind and try to make the gap bigger if
> I can.



Lindsay Mathieson

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