QtDesigner Integration

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Aug 5 08:31:21 BST 2009

On 05.08.09 11:13:54, Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> KUbuntu 9.10 Alpha 3
> KDE 4.3
> KDevelop 3.9.94
> When I open UI files in KDevelop I get a preview embeeded in the IDE - I
> presume and embedded QtDesigner.

No, thats kuiviewer from KDE, a simple basic ui-file viewer, no editing

> One Problem - there are no toolbars, widget lists or right click menus,
> just the preview, so there appear to be no way to edit the ui file.

Yeap, the start of a properly integrated designer is a plugin in
playground, but its far from finished and thats why its not in kdevelop
> One Request - I'd really prefer to be able to launch Qt Designer
> independently rather than embedded.

Allowing to open files in an external application is relatively far up
on my todo list (right behind fixing the ui-problems of the run-dialog)


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