Is there any advantage in using Qmake?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Mar 5 07:26:37 GMT 2008

On 05.03.08 15:16:35, Phil wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Andreas Pakulat" <apaku at>
> To: <kdevelop at>
> Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 7:09 PM
> Subject: Re: Is there any advantage in using Qmake?
> Thanks once again Andreas.
> Some of my old projects use KDE widgets which appear not to work with Qmake. 

Thats normal, you'll need to convert them into a kde4 cmake project.
QMake doesn't allow to link with kde4 libraries easily.

> This is a typical error message:
> "undefined reference to `KLed::KLed(QWidget*, char const*)'"
> It's only a hobby so I think I'll wait until Kdevelop 4 and KDE 4 both become 
> available.

KDE4 is already available, however you'll have to learn CMake (which is
not really hard, IMHO) to work on KDE4 apps inside KDevelop3 as you'll
have to write the CMakeLists.txt files yourself.


You're definitely on their list.  The question to ask next is what list it is.

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