Build kdevelop-3.5.1

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Feb 28 15:56:32 GMT 2008

On 28.02.08 16:36:46, Olivier GUERINEAU wrote:
> Hello
> I try to compile kdevelop-3.5.1 (under Linux). Indeed  I should say that
> I try to configure it, because the configure is stopping with the
> following message :
> checking for Berkeley DB >= 4.1... configure: error: no - please install
> Berkeley DB >= 4.1

Did you install the libdb-dev package?

> I have also tried to install kdevelop 3.5.0-6, but when installing the
> debian package it asks for : kdevelop-data-3.5.0-6, 
> and I am only able to find kdevelop-data-3.5.0-3 on the net.
> Does someone know where to find it ?

You probably downloaded the .deb from the opensuse build service
(referenced from our website). You shouldn't do that, read the download
page again, under the table it tells you how to properly incorporate the
debian package repository into your sources.list. Then apt will also
find the kdevelop-data package.


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