No build and New Project option work

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Dec 8 11:42:05 GMT 2008

On 08.12.08 00:50:29, Mario Chacon wrote:
> Hello!
> I tried to compile Kdevelop4 following this link:
> was fine until I open Kdevelop4 and I do not have the new project
> option available and when I hit build it does not happen anything.
> I run export KDEDIRS=$HOME/kde4 to set KDEKDIRS, Is it right?

If thats where all your KDE4 stuff is (including kdelibs and kdebase) then
yes. Else you have to list all prefixes where kde4 is installed.

After that run kbuildsycoca4 in the same shell, so kdevelop can find its


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