pcs after upgrade to KDevelop 3.4.1

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri May 18 11:33:44 BST 2007

On 18.05.07 10:52:37, hg wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't know wether this is expected behaviour: After upgrading to KDevelop 
> 3.4.1 (Opensuse 10.2) I got the following message on startup:
> 'Persistent class store will be disabled: you have a wrong version of pcs 
> installed.'
> After deleting and reconfiguring of my Qt4 persistant class store in the 
> project settings everything was fine again.

Yes this is expected, the internal structure of the pcs databases have
changed and unfortunately the Berkle DB doesn't have a way to upgrade
the structure without loosing the data.


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