No function list, why?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed May 16 17:52:02 BST 2007

On 16.05.07 17:42:20, Roberto Ragusa wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 15.05.07 23:36:43, Roberto Ragusa wrote:
> >> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> >> Are you saying that it used to work "by chance"?
> > 
> > No, it doesn't work at all for anything but:
> > ".c"
> > ".cc"
> > ".cpp"
> > ".c++"
> > ".cxx"
> > ".C"
> > ".m"
> > ".mm"
> > ".M"
> > ".inl"
> > "_impl.h"
> > 
> > Unless somebody changes the code to recognize other files.
> Ok, so the list of suffixes is hardcoded. But before 3.4.0 the *.pc
> files were being parsed, something has changed for sure.

I don't see how that would be possible. The code that checks wether a
file is parsed or not has not changed since 3.3.

> I used your list to try a dirty trick; instead of recompiling
> the whole kdevelop (>50MB rpm binary), I just searched the suffixes
> in all the binaries and modified /usr/lib/kde3/
> with an hex editor to change the ".mm" into ".pc".
> And now it's working here with the modified lib.


> I hope that the list will be made configurable or that .pc will be
> added to the hardcoded list.

Not unless somebody provides a patch to do so and the message freeze is
lifted in KDE3.5. KDE3 development is meant to fade out in KDE4 we use
mimetype information to decide which parser(s) to use for a given file.

> > Right, are those .pc files compilable C code? i.e. is the embedded SQL
> > (or whatever it was you have in them) inside comments?
> They are not exactly compilable. They just look like valid C code with
> undefined macros or variables here and there.

Well, then you'd have tons of errors when our parser parses it.

> The function list extraction works well and the code color highlighter
> it's ok too.

Syntax highlighting is done by the editor not KDevelop.

> A few "Problems" are reported, as "Syntax Error"s.



You're definitely on their list.  The question to ask next is what list it is.

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