No function list, why?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed May 16 10:46:51 BST 2007

On 16.05.07 09:31:04, Leon Pollak wrote:
> During this mail exchange my issue seems to be forgotten...:-)

No, in fact I answered it two mails ago: Plain functions are problematic
because the classview which creates that combobox wasn't really built
for functions. I don't remember exactly what was needed to have the
functions show up in classview and the combobox, but I do recall that
you can't use the extern keyword and that you probably have to have a
forward declaration in a header for this to work.

So unless you have the functions in the classview but not the combobox
you can't do anything.


Don't worry.  Life's too long.
		-- Vincent Sardi, Jr.

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